Archery Bow Grip: The Direction of Force and Hand Position

 Understanding the correct hand position and direction of force on the bow grip is crucial for archers to maintain accuracy and consistency in their shots. Proper alignment between the hand, bow grip, and target is essential to ensure a smooth release and optimal performance. Let's delve into the key aspects of the hand position on the bow grip and how it influences the archer's technique.

 Hand Position on the Bow Grip

 The hand should be positioned between the thumb and forefinger, with this central part placed at the center of the bow grip. Ensuring that the central line of the hand aligns with the bow grip prevents the bow hand from sliding left during extension, especially in challenging conditions like rain or perspiration. Maintaining a straight line from the center of the thumb and forefinger to the arrow and drawing elbow is ideal for a consistent shot.

The hand position of bow grip

HyungTak Kim, Kim,HyungTak Archery, 2008, p11

 Impact of Incorrect Hand Placement

 If an archer pushes the bow grip using a high grip, it can lead to discomfort and sliding of the bow hand up the grip, affecting shot consistency. Placing the pisiform (small bone in the wrist) on the bow grip can cause misalignment between the bow grip, arrow, and target, impacting arrow flight accuracy. Beginners often face challenges with hand placement, especially when not using a bow sling, leading to incorrect positioning of the pisiform on the grip.

The pisiform bone position on the hands
HyungTak Kim, Kim,HyungTak Archery, 2008, p12

 Importance of Grip Customization

 Adding a "grip maker" to customize the bow grip is common practice among archers. It is essential to adjust it to fit one's hand contours perfectly for optimal performance. Placing the pisiform on the outside of the bow grip ensures proper force distribution and alignment for accurate shooting.

 In conclusion, mastering the hand position on the bow grip is fundamental for archers seeking precision in their shots. By understanding how different hand placements affect shot consistency and accuracy, archers can refine their technique and enhance their overall performance on the archery range.


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