Archery Hooking: Using Finger Spacers

In archery, the finger spacer plays a crucial role in maintaining proper form and accuracy during shooting. Placed between the first and second fingers, the spacer serves to prevent the fingers from being pressed together by the angle of the string. This positioning is essential as it helps avoid inadvertently squeezing the nock of the arrow when reaching full draw, which could lead to unwanted changes in arrow flight. Adjustable Finger Spacer Standard Finger Spacer AAE Elite Adjustable Finger Spacer, Charles' Archery Blog, August 27 (2013) Ensuring Comfort and Precision It is vital to use a finger spacer that is the right size and comfortable for the archer's hand. If the spacer is too big or thick, it can result in excessive pressure on the forefinger, causing it to bend downwards towards the nock of the arrow. This not only affects comfort but also introduces tension that can make the archer's hand feel unnatural. Therefore, selecting a properly sized and comforta...